Due to the data loss of my external hard drive a number of projects have been either cancelled or went into hiatus around 2022. It doesn't mean I have abandoned them completely! They still haunt me from time to time.

For any bugs and/or errors while playing the game, you can notify the problem to me here along with a screenshot or by sending me a mail at st.gechemistry1515[@]gmail.com. That way I can identify the problem much more easily and figure out where the bug/error shows up.

Lunar Isle is a fictional country which is the primary setting of most of my works. It all started with Moonville, a fictional hybrid city-town which was the setting for my then shoujo manga anthology "Strange Chemistry". From there the universe gradually expanded as I came up with more story ideas.

For other inquiries feel free to reach out on Tumblr or send an e-mail <3